Our products

When it comes to powerful equipment and plants for specialist foundation engineering, all roads lead to Bauer. Customers around the world rely on us – and not just for drilling rigs, trench cutters and drilling accessories. Our duty-cycle cranes, pile driving and piling leader equipment, rigs, mixing and separation technology as well as anchor drilling rigs are synonymous with the highest quality and efficiency. Maritime technologies and mining solutions round off our portfolio. We offer you complete solutions from a single source. 

Ce qui nous distingue

Nos machines sont plus que du fer et de l'acier. Ce sont les outils de votre réussite. Découvrez ce qui nous rend uniques.

Ce qui nous distingue

Overview of our products and services

Drilling rigs

Are you looking for a powerful and reliable drilling rig? Discover the advantages of our BG series now and take it for a spin!

Trench cutters

Our trench cutters deliver top performance even under the toughest conditions. Learn more now about the robust cutter systems from Bauer. 

Grab systems

Robust, reliable, efficient – that’s what our grab systems for the construction of excavated diaphragm walls stand for. Discover all the advantages now! 

Cutter Soil Mixing Equipment

From the carrier unit to the mixing unit: We provide everything you need for your Cutter Soil Mixing project. Learn more now!

Duty-cycle cranes

Bauer-duty-cycle cranes serve as base carriers for our diaphragm wall grabs, cutters, leaders or for soil compaction. Get to know our all-stars! 

Mobile drilling rigs

Discover our mobile driling rigs for water well construction, geothermal heat & exploration. 

Pile driving equipment & piling leaders

They vibrate, press, drive and drill. Discover the pile driving equipment and piling leaders from RTG Rammtechnik GmbH!

Separation, mixing & pumping technology

Discover the complete systems for mixing and separating slurry, centrifuges and injection plants from BAUER MAT Slurry Handling Systems. 

Anchor drilling rigs

Whether anchor drilling, high pressure injection or geothermal heat: Discover the versatile KR series from KLEMM Bohrtechnik GmbH. 

Maritime Technologies

Whether for offshore foundations or deep sea exploration, discover the solutions from our maritime technologies division now! 

Mining Solutions

Whether for onshore or offshore exploration, bulk sampling, pit excavation or safeguarding: Get to know our comprehensive solutions.

Any questions?

We look forward to receiving your message or your call.

BAUER Equipment Australia Pty.Ltd.

36 Bearing Road
Seven Hills NSW 2147
PO Box 7238
Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153